Despite the humour I did feign,
I cannot deny you caused me pain,
Time moves on and you don't care,
Yet hurt is still very much there.
The wound feels like it's rubbed in salt,
And yet I don't feel it's your fault,
You had the head fuck to a tee,
But the problem here has to be me.
You have moved on with life's flow,
The sadness I feel you'll never know,
I'll slap you but also won't,
I hate you but also don't.
The pain you caused can never mend,
And this you'll never comprehend.
For in this mess I do drown,
And worse of all I let you down.
Apologies Ms Gump!!!! Sian.... sometimes this blogging lark becomes asexual me thinks!!!
Guess I should have clicked on your full profile before making my comment.
BTW like the poem VERY much.
Yours apologetically,